University of Cologne
4.5⭐ Reviews
The c is a public type of university that is located in Cologne, Germany. The university was established in 1388 and is known to be the sixth university established in Central Europe. Later in 1798, it was closed, but after that, in 1919, the university was re-established.
University at Glance
Tuition Fee
Sec School
The campus of the University of Cologne is situated in the very city of Cologne. Talking more about the campus, it is open and friendly and has an international outlook. The city of Cologne is a perfect place where one can work and study.
In total, the University of Cologne is known to have offered 102-degree programs along with the support of 16 cross-Faculty research as well as teaching centers. The areas that the university focuses on for research are behavioral economic engineering, cultural and political transformation, mechanism of aging-associated diseases, and more.
Programs and academic groups
The University of Cologne offers education to the students in the following faculties:
- Faculty of human sciences
- Faculty of medicine with University Hospital of Cologne
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Student Life
The Studierendenwerk of Kolner is responsible for 90 of the student dormitories that have 5,000 spots for students. Apart from the student dormitories, the Kolner Studierendenwerk have options for private student dormitories which are specially handled by other institutions that exist as well.
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