Newton College
4.4 Reviews
The Newton College is situated In Brno, Czechia. It is a private university established in 2004. It accommodates 1200 students and 10 exchange students at present.
University at Glance
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Sec School
The Newton College campus has cafeterias, a company canteen, a central university library, language labs, and a sports center. The library provides digital services to be accessed by students and faculty.
The Newton College is one of the leaders among the leader-based universities in Europe. The university has hosted international conferences considering the discussion on “Assessment in Initial Education and Other Areas of Society”, Expert Conference on “European Business Forum”, and many more. The university has completed projects on “Support for the dissemination of knowledge of European integration research”, 25 Years of Public Administration Development and Reforms in the Visegrad Region – Countries and What Will the Future Bring, and many more in a couple of years.
Programs and Academics Groups
The university focuses on delivering bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and Vocational training in various subjects. The university has developed collaborations with various international institutes across the globe for establishing exchange programs. The university organizes foreign language learning courses for international students. There are full-time and part-time courses. The university provides practical internships under all study programs.
Student Life
The University has bedrooms to accommodate the students in the dormitories. You can contact the admission cell in the university after admission. A private accommodation facility is also available. The university grants merit, accommodation, and social scholarships to its students.
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