Mendel University
4.5 ⭐ Reviews
The Mendel University is situated in Brno, Czechia. It was established in 1919. It is a public university. There are 10,364 students at present getting their education. There is 565 administrative staff available in the university.
University at Glance
Tuition Fee
Sec School
The Mendel University campus has cafeterias, a company canteen, a central university library, language labs, and a sports center. The library provides digital services to be accessed by students and faculty. They have their Botanical Garden, Forest Training Ground, and the Agriculture Training Field.
The Mendel University is one of the leaders among the leader-based universities in Europe. They organize projects like GREENER and H2020 on an international basis. They were awarded the HR Excellence in Research Award in 2018. They participate in international programs like the International Fertiliser Society and the NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) program. They have till now published 25 international journals under the guidance of the faculty of AgriSciences.
Programs and Academics Groups
They have 5 faculties and one institute. They have 100+ graduate degree programs in foreign and English language. The city of Brno is rated one of the safest cities for students.
Student Life
The University has bedrooms to accommodate the students in their halls of residence. You can contact the admission cell in the university after admission. A private accommodation facility is also available. There are low-cost affordable rooms available.
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