The Leibniz University
3.4 ⭐ Reviews
The Leibniz University Hannover is situated in Hanover, Germany. It is a public research university. It was founded in 1831. It is one of the ancient universities in science research located in Germany. The university gets its name from the great mathematician and philosopher of the 18th century, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
University at Glance
Tuition Fee
Sec School
The Leibniz University Hannover campus expands to cover 160 buildings that may include 322,700metres square of floor space. There is a library as old as the university. It is the largest in Germany and has a collection that forms the heart of research in the German National Library of Science and Technology.
The Leibniz University Hannover is a leading institution among the research-based universities in Europe. They reflect on their research works by participating in international events. They have participated in 10 DFG funded research training groups, six DFG funded collaborated research centers, two clusters of excellence, and five ERC grants.
Programs and Academic Groups
The University imparts education through its best 9 faculties. They are Humanities, Law, natural sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Architecture and Landscape, Economics and Management, Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science, Mathematics and Physics, and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. They also comprise 90 apprentices, 320 professors, and 1810 additional employees.
Student Life
The university has the facility for accommodating international students. They have 14 halls of residence for all students. There are accommodations available in Hanover city also.
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