Hamburg University of Technology
4.5⭐ Reviews
The Hamburg University of Technology is situated in Hamburg, Germany. It is a public research-based university established in 1978. It has 673 students from various areas, 100+researchers, 1475 staff members. They render learning to 7000+ students at present.
University at Glance
Tuition Fee
Sec School
The Hamburg University of Technology campus has all the teaching and learning facilities. Its sports stadium is known as the ‘Hochschulsport Hamburg,’ which provides exposure to training and classes inside the campus.
The Hamburg University of Technology is a leading institution among the research-based universities in Europe. It is very much involved in research-oriented and practice-oriented works. It is all due to its exceptional teachers and interdisciplinary students. They promote research-based studies to give an opportunity to graduates. The university renders its support to different SMEs and business enterprises. They encourage research in the labour market.
Programs and Academic Groups
The University imparts education through its degree courses. They are environmental and civil engineering courses, bioprocess engineering, techno-mathematics, logistics, and mobility. They provide practice-based learning and innovative ways from influential companies.
Student Life
The university has the facility for accommodating international students. It prioritizes foreign students to occupy their residence hall in the ‘Rooms for International Students.’ It is purely based on a first-come, first-serve basis. The student union in their university is responsible for organising events for fun and entertainment.
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