Catholic University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt
4.5⭐ Reviews
The Catholic University of Eichstatt-Ingolstadt is situated in Eichstatt and Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany. When compared to other universities in Germany, it is a pretty small institution. The university has approximately 4,800 students and is considered one of the largest non-state universities in entire Germany.
University at Glance
Tuition Fee
Sec School
The Catholic University has a main building and a new building which are typically separated by an idyllic courtyard. The Student House and the High School have later termed the first Bavarian State University in the 15th university.
The Catholic University makes sure that whenever it conducts research, it covers more and more globally concerned issues. In terms of research methods, both hermeneutic, as well as empirical research methods are used by the university. In the research that the university conducts, it tries to join the dots between historical research and philosophical questions, and more.
Programs and academic groups
The Catholic University has numerous international Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs to offer to its students. Along with providing degree programs in English, the university also offers degree programs by cooperating with other partner countries and degree programs that will have confirmed semesters abroad.
Student Life
In terms of accommodation, generally, there are private rooms passed on to one another by the students themselves. There are dormitories as well that the students can opt for living during their college time and get the feeling of living in the residence halls.
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